The Bacari (taverns) of Cannaregio2019-08-21T06:52:16+00:00
Bacaro Tour Venezia - Map sestieri -

The taverns (BACARI) of Cannaregio

al Ponte


This ‘ bacaro’ has a rich historical background and recently has changed the management, aslo the furnitre has been renovated but has lost part of its fashinating story. Luckly is still now a tavern [...]

da Alberto


This is an authentic and historical ‘tavern’ near ‘campo SS. Giovanni e Paolo. In the morning the usual customers, that are mostly local peope, join them here to have a break with a ‘ [...]

ai Promessi Sposi


The name itself reminds us something more linked to Milan rather than to Venice. But this ‘ bacaro’ is a good place with a relaxing atmosphere and with a choice of soft music (an [...]

Antica Adelaide


To find out this ‘bacaro’ you have to turn into into ‘ corte dei Pali’ and then turn again into a narrow ’ calletta’ it is quite difficult to find out this tavern if [...]

Paradiso Perduto


This ‘Bacaro’ is quite alternative as it is a place where fantasy, party, anarchy, freedom and music are mixed together. It has been precursor of a style not only in furnishing that reminds the [...]

Osteria Bea Vita


We are at the end of the so called’ fondamenta degli Ormesini’ in a zone that is far away from the more turistic places and the name itself helps us to prepare our soul [...]

Al Timon


Along this river, that it is become one of the most lively place for the nighlife, a lot of taverns have opened recently, but the ‘ bacaro’ named ‘ Timon’ is the best one [...]

Find out the taverns (Bàcari) in the other “Sestieri”

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